Aquarius Man: Complete Personality Decoded! Find out how is an Aquarius Man in Love

Aquarius is the one rare zodiac sign that’s ruled by two planets, Saturn in Vedic astrology and Uranus in modern astrology. Naturally, an Aquarius man has a complex personality that’s both enticing and ruthless. Winning over this man is like climbing Everest: the path is tedious but the view, in the end, is worth the difficulties. Want to know more about this mystery man and why giving up on him is a huge mistake? If yes, we have made an entire cheat guide to take you through the hidden Aquarius man traits. Dive in! 

5 Aquarius Man Secrets You Should Know Before Dating Him

He’s not the man who’ll clip your wings. He will respect your ambition and even support you in your career. But that’s not all! As we said, an Aquarius man is both enticing and ruthless. 

Looks and Nature of an Aquarius Man: What are Aquarius Man Traits?

It’s not easy to enter the domains of his heart. He’s very polite and well-spoken. But, don’t make the mistake of taking an Aquarius man for granted. He loses interest just as quickly as he gains it. So, approach his territory with a lot of caution. That said, he’s a bit of everything that we have listed below. 

  • He Won’t Chase After You – The signs that an Aquarius man likes you are very subtle. He’s not the kind of person who’ll chase you to the airport. He’ll drop hints though. He might steal a glance or two. People around you would notice that he’s interested in you before you do. 
  • He Will Express his Disapproval in Private – Even before the two of you start dating officially, he will become possessive about you. He will try to keep you away from dangerous people and tricky situations. 
  • He’s Attractive and Intense – An Aquarius man is usually tall, as tall as the size of his pride. He’s lean and strong and likes to keep in shape. If not with his pals, you’ll most likely find him sweating out in a gym. 
  • He’s a Silent Observer – When he’s interested in a woman, he takes an awful lot of time to make his move. What he’s doing instead of buying roses instantly is observing you. 
  • He’s Forgiving but not a Fool – If he’s patient with you, it doesn’t mean you have the liberty to take him for granted. He’s exceptionally tolerant only for the woman he really likes. But don’t push it by ghosting out on him. As we said, he’s not the man who’ll chase you, yet! 
  • He Admires Beauty – This can be an annoying habit if he’s married to you. He would want you to keep in shape. Some people might call him materialistic and too much into looks. But that’s the way it is. At least, he’s truthful about his wants and needs from the very beginning of the relationship. 
  • The Love Life of an Aquarius Man: How is an Aquarius Man in Love?

    He has an old-school soul but he’s not a poet. Don’t expect him to write long messages on the phone or call you every one hour. Once he’s involved with you emotionally, he’ll come around on his own. Give him time and you’ll find a man with the heart of wax.

    An Aquarius man can lay his own life to protect the woman he falls for. If you’re that woman, don’t lose out on the chance just because he’s a bit harsh or detached at times. 

    The Sexuality of an Aquarius Man: How is an Aquarius Man in Bed?

    He has two sides: He can be very selfish if all he’s interested in is sex. But, for the lady he loves, he’s a giving man. 

    An Aquarius man takes pleasure in pleasing when he’s in love. If you just had a one-night fling with him, he’ll leave you craving for more. Besides, he’s so sexy that you won’t be able to take your hands off him. He’s an intense passionate lover and he takes enough time to pay attention to every expression of yours. 

    Aquarius Man Likes and Dislikes: What an Aquarius Man Needs in a Woman?

    He doesn’t really want a woman to be very submissive. But, he needs to be dominating one in the relationship. If he explains something, he wants his lady to pay attention and, at least, think about the advice he offers. 

    He doesn’t like a woman who makes a mockery of his feelings. What he really longs for is companionship and obedience. He’s not the kind of man who would lose his cool very often, but, at the end of the day, he’s human too. So, yes, he does snap!

  • He has an eye for beauty. He really enjoys the company of good-looking women. 
  • He steers clear of the ladies who are very needy. He doesn’t like too much dependence at the very beginning of the relationship.
  • He finds it very attractive when a woman gives him his space. He’s a thinker and he needs time alone too.
  • He doesn’t like much drama. So, he usually keeps a distance from women who constantly nag him for commitment. 
  • His taste in women is very rare. He likes dating women who are mysterious and adventurous. 
  • Aquarius Man Married Life: Is Aquarius man a Loyal Husband?

    Yes, to the point that it can actually get annoying at times. An Aquarius man is very different as a husband from the man he was when he was your boyfriend. By that we mean, he can be slightly clingy. But, make no mistake, you won’t find a man as caring as him. If your husband is an Aquarius, you have the protection of his body and soul. 

    Birds Eye View of an Aquarius Man 

    Aquarius Man Compatibility Zodiac Signs

    He’s a picky man, even a bit of a prick at the onset of a relationship. But, some women can bring out the real man in him. You’re that woman if you’re any of the following. 

  • Aquarius man and Scorpio Woman – She is the missing part of his soul. A Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man are soulmates. 
  • Aquarius man and Gemini woman – She’s one woman he can be frank with. They’re more than just lovers, they’re a match made in heaven. 
  • Aquarius man and Leo Woman – He’s stubborn and dominating and she’s single-minded. When these two meet, sparks fly all over the place.
  • Aquarius man and Aries woman – An Aries woman can easily tackle an Aquarius man. She’s the best wifey material for the stubborn bull in him. 
  • Aquarius man and Libra woman – Not many people can force an Aquarius man out of his shell, but a Libra woman can. These two make a perfectly balanced pair.
  • Aquarius man and Pisces woman – The sexual tension between the two of them is palpable. They connect on a deeper soul level. 
  • Aquarius Man Career and Work 

    His career is his first love. He’s proud and self-made and he likes not to be disturbed when he’s at work. It’s in his destiny to become wealthy. The hardworking quality just makes him achieve a lot at a very young age. An Aquarius man is the kind of guy who can afford every luxury that his wife enjoys and wants.
